Sample Android App with Documentation showcasing the webview integration with Payment Gateway.


This section will guide you in creating a framework for integrating the Payment Gateway with your android app.


Sample App

To understand the Payment Gateway payment flow, you can download our sample app here.


  1. You should be a registered and approved merchant with Payment Gateway.
  2. You should have received the SALT and API key from Payment Gateway.
  3. You should have received the HOSTNAME for the Payment Gateway request URL.

Server Side Setup

a. To prevent the data tampering(and ensure data integrity) between the your app and Payment Gateway, you will need to setup up an API in your server to calculate an encrypted value or checksum known as hash from the payment request parameters and SALT key before sending it to the Payment Gateway server.

Hash Calculation Architecture Overview

Payment Gateway uses **SHA512** cryptographic hash function to prevent data tampering. To calculate the 
hash, a secure private key known as **SALT key** will be provided by Payment Gateway that needs to be 
stored **very securely in your server**. Any compromise of the salt may lead to data tampering. 

# The hash generation code has 3 components:

1. **Concatenate** the request parameters(after **trimming** the blank spaces) separated by 
**pipeline** in the order given below:   


2. Calculate the **hash** of the string value obtained in step 1 using **sha512** algorithm(all 
major languages would have an in-house function to calculate the hash using SHA-512).

3. Change the hash value obtained in step 2 to **UPPERCASE** and response the hash value to the 
android app.

Hash Calculation

# Payment Gateway Recommendation:

You must securly store the SALT key in your server. Compromise of the same would lead to attacks.

Sample Hash Generation of Payment Request for different languages has been given below:

**Java Servlet Sample Code**

public class PaymentRequest extends HttpServlet {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
	throws ServletException, IOException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		String [] hash_columns = {"address_line_1", "address_line_2", "amount", "api_key", 
		"city", "country", "currency","description", "email", "mode", "name", "order_id", 
		"phone", "return_url", "state", "udf1", "udf2", "udf3", "udf4","udf5", "zip_code"};
		String hash_data = salt;
		for( int i = 0; i < hash_columns.length; i++)
			if(request.getParameter(hash_columns[i]).length() > 0 ){
				hash_data += '|' + request.getParameter(hash_columns[i]).trim();
		String hash = "";
		try {
			 hash = getHashCodeFromString(hash_data);
		} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
		JsonObject jsonResponse = new JsonObject();
                jsonResponse.addProperty("hash", hash);
             	jsonResponse.addProperty("status", "Kargopolov");
       		jsonResponse.addProperty("responseCode", "Kargopolov");

		PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();

	private static String getHashCodeFromString(String str) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, 
	UnsupportedEncodingException {
		MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512");
	    	byte byteData[] = md.digest();

	    	//convert the byte to hex format method 1
	    	StringBuffer hashCodeBuffer = new StringBuffer();
	    	for (int i = 0; i < byteData.length; i++) {
	            hashCodeBuffer.append(Integer.toString((byteData[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16)
		return hashCodeBuffer.toString().toUpperCase();

**PHP Sample Code**

try {

	if(!empty($_POST["udf1"])) $params["udf1"]=trim($_POST["udf1"]);
	if(!empty($_POST["udf2"])) $params["udf2"]=trim($_POST["udf2"]);
	if(!empty($_POST["udf3"])) $params["udf3"]=trim($_POST["udf3"]);
	if(!empty($_POST["udf4"])) $params["udf4"]=trim($_POST["udf4"]);
	if(!empty($_POST["udf5"])) $params["udf5"]=trim($_POST["udf5"]);

	$hash_columns = [

	$hash_data = $salt;

	foreach ($hash_columns as $column) {
		if (isset($params[$column])) {
			if (strlen($params[$column]) > 0) {
				$hash_data .= '|' . $params[$column];

	$hash = null;
	if (strlen($hash_data) > 0) {
		$hash = strtoupper(hash("sha512", $hash_data));

	$output['hash'] = $hash;
	$output['responseCode']="Hash Created Successfully";

}catch(Exception $e) {
	$output['hash'] = "INVALID";

echo json_encode($output);

**ASP.NET Sample Code**

public partial class PaymentRequest : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string jsonResponse = "";
                string hash_string = string.Empty;
                string hashValue = string.Empty;

                hash_string = SALT;
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["address_line_1"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["address_line_2"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["amount"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["api_key"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["city"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["country"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["currency"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["description"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["email"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["mode"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["name"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["order_id"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["phone"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["return_url"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["state"].Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["udf1"].Trim()))
                    hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["udf1"].Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["udf2"].Trim()))
                    hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["udf2"].Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["udf3"].Trim()))
                    hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["udf3"].Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["udf4"].Trim()))
                    hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["udf4"].Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["udf5"].Trim()))
                    hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["udf5"].Trim();
                hash_string += '|' + Request.Form["zip_code"].Trim();

                hash_string = hash_string.Substring(0, hash_string.Length);
                hashValue = Generatehash512(hash_string).ToUpper();       

	        var columns = new Dictionary<string, string>
                    { "hash", hashValue},
                    { "status", 0},
                    { "responseCode", "Hash Created Successfully"},
                var jsSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();             
                var jsonString = jsSerializer.Serialize(columns);
	       return jsonString;

            }catch (Exception ex){
	        var columns = new Dictionary<string, string>
                   { "hash", "INVALID"},
                   { "status", 1},
                   { "responseCode", ex.Message},
               var jsSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();               
               var jsonString = jsSerializer.Serialize(columns);
	       return jsonString;
        public string Generatehash512(string text)

            byte[] message = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);

            UnicodeEncoding UE = new UnicodeEncoding();
            byte[] hashValue;
            SHA512Managed hashString = new SHA512Managed();
            string hex = "";
            hashValue = hashString.ComputeHash(message);
            foreach (byte x in hashValue)
                hex += String.Format("{0:x2}", x);
            return hex;


Request to your server’s Payment Request API would look like below:

    "amount": "2.00",
    "email": "",
    "name": "Test Name",
    "phone": "9876543210",
    "order_id": "12",
    "currency": "INR",
    "description": "test",
    "city": "city",
    "state": "state",
    "zip_code": "123456",
    "country": "IND",
    "return_url": "",
    "mode": "TEST",
    "udf1": "udf1",
    "udf2": "udf2",
    "udf3": "udf3",
    "udf4": "udf4",
    "udf5": "udf5",
    "address_line_1": "addl1",
    "address_line_2": "addl2",

b. Your server should be ready to receive the payment parameters. This means you must have a API in your server that receives the response from Payment Gateway on payment completion.

# Response code have the below 2 components:

1. Your response must have the code to extract the hash from the Payment Gateway payment response 
and verify the hash to ensure no data tampering existed between Payment Gateway server and your 
server. You must again use SHA-512 algorithm to verify the hash.

2. If you are using the webview code given in the following section, then you must response 
the response fields that you need in a json format. 

# Payment Gateway Recommendations:

At the very least, you should reverify the amount and order id field on your payment response 
API with the actual values of the amount and order id during payment initiation in your android app.

Response Parameters List send by Payment Gateway server to your return url:

transaction_id A unique ID that can be used to trace the transaction uniquely within Payment Gateway. Transaction IDs are alphanumeric. An example transaction ID is HDVISC1299876438
payment_mode This tells the payment mode used by customer - example: "credit card", "debitcard", "netbanking", etc.
payment_channel This tells the payment channel used by customer - example: "Visa", "HDFC Bank", "Paytm", etc.
payment_datetime Date and Time of this payment in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format.
response_code Status of the transaction (return code). All status codes given below
response_message The response message associated with the transaction.
error_desc The detailed error description, if any.
order_id The same order_id that was originally posted by the merchant in the request.
amount The same original amount that was sent by the merchant in the transactionrequest.
currency This is the 3digit currency code (INR), it will be same value that was originally sent by merchant.
description The same description that was originally sent by the merchant in the transaction request.
name The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
email The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
phone The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
address_line_1 The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
address_line_2 The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
city The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
state The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
country The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
zip_code The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
udf1 The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
udf2 The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
udf3 The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
udf4 The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
udf5 The same value that was originally sent by merchant.
cardmasked Masked card number which was used to make the transaction. For example, 437748******0069 Note: This parameter will be returned as part of the response only if the merchant’s account has been enabled for the same. Please speak to your Payment Gateway relationship manager if you would like this information to be returned to you.
hash The hash code calculated from Trankpay server that you must use it to verify for ensuring data integrity between Payment Gateway server and your server.

Sample response API code for ASP.NET and PHP is given below for reference:

**ASP.NET Sample Response API Code**

namespace ResponseHandler_ASP_NET
    public partial class ResponseHandling : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

                string hash = string.Empty;
                string[] keys = Request.Form.AllKeys;
                string hash_string = string.Empty;
                foreach (string hash_var in keys)
                    if (Request.Form[hash_var] != "" && hash_var != "hash")
                        hash_string = hash_string + '|';
                        hash_string = hash_string + Request.Form[hash_var];
                hash = Generatehash512(hash_string).ToUpper();       
                string b = Request.Form["hash"];
                if (Request.Form["hash"] == hash)
                    if (Request.Form["response_code"] == "0")
                        Dictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, 

				        foreach(string item  in keys)
				        	data[item] = Request.Form[item];
				        string json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.
                    else if(Request.Form["response_message"] == "Transaction Failed"){

                        Response.Write("Transaction is unsuccessful");
                        string response_message = Request.Form["response_message"];
                        int startIndex=response_message.IndexOf(" - ")+2;
                        int length = response_message.Length - startIndex;
                        response_message = response_message.Substring(startIndex, 
                        Response.Write("Correct the below error <br />");

                    Response.Write("Hash value did not matched");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Response.Write("<span style='color:red'>" + ex.Message + "</span>");

        public string Generatehash512(string text)

            byte[] message = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);

            UnicodeEncoding UE = new UnicodeEncoding();
            byte[] hashValue;
            SHA512Managed hashString = new SHA512Managed();
            string hex = "";
            hashValue = hashString.ComputeHash(message);
            foreach (byte x in hashValue)
                hex += String.Format("{0:x2}", x);
            return hex;

**PHP Sample Response API Code**



	$input = $_POST;
	$pgHash = $input['hash'];
	/*Sort the array before hashing*/

	/*Create a | (pipe) separated string of all the $input values which are available in $hash_columns*/
	$hash_data = $salt;
	foreach ($input as $inputParam) {
		if (isset($inputParam)) {
			if (strlen($inputParam) > 0) {
				$hash_data .= '|' . trim($inputParam);
	/* Convert the $hash_data to Upper Case and then use SHA512 to generate hash key */
	$hash = null;
	if (strlen($hash_data) > 0) {
		$hash = strtoupper(hash("sha512", $hash_data));


		echo json_encode([
		echo json_encode(['error'=>'Hash Mismatch']);

	echo json_encode(['error'=>'Invalid Response']);


Response Codes with Descriptions:

Code Response Message Description
0 SUCCESS Transaction successful
1000 FAILED Transaction failed
1001 INVALID-API-KEY The api key field is incorrect
1002 INVALID-LIVE-MODE-ACCESS The live mode access is not allowed
1003 INVALID-ORDER-ID-FIELD The order id field should to be unique
1004 ORDER-ID-FIELD-NOT-FOUND The order id field is not found
1005 INVALID-AUTHENTICATION Invalid authentication at bank
1006 WAITING-BANK-RESPONSE Waiting for the response from bank
1007 INVALID-INPUT-REQUEST Invalid input in the request message
1008 TRANSACTION-TAMPERED Transaction tampered
1009 DECLINED-BY-BANK Bank Declined Transaction
1010 INVALID-AMOUNT Amount cannot be less than 1
1011 AUTHORIZATION-REFUSED Authorization refused
1012 INVALID-CARD Invalid Card/Member Name data
1013 INVALID-EXPIRY-DATE Invalid expiry date
1014 DENIED-BY-RISK Transaction denied by risk
1015 INSUFFICIENT-FUND Insufficient Fund
1016 INVALID-AMOUNT-LIMIT Total Amount limit set for the terminal for transactions has been crossed
1017 INVALID-TRANSACTION-LIMIT Total transaction limit set for the terminal has been crossed
1018 INVALID-DEBIT-AMOUNT-LIMIT Maximum debit amount limit set for the terminal for a day has been crossed
1019 INVALID-CREDIT-AMOUNT-LIMIT Maximum credit amount limit set for the terminal for a day has been crossed
1020 MAXIMUM-DEBIT-AMOUNT-CROSS Maximum debit amount set for per card for rolling 24 hrs has been crossed
1021 MAXIMUM-CREDIT-AMOUNT-CROSS Maximum credit amount set for per card for rolling 24 hrs has been crossed
1022 MAXIMUM-TRANSACTION-CROSS Maximum transaction set for per card for rolling 24 hrs has been crossed
1023 HASH-MISMATCH Hash Mismatch
1024 INVALID-PARAMS Invalid parameters
1025 INVALID-BANK-CODE Invalid bank code
1026 INVALID-MERCHANT Merchant is not active
1027 INVALID-TRANSACTION Invalid transaction
1028 TRANSACTION-NOT-FOUND Transaction not found
1029 TRANSACTION-TERMINATED Transaction terminated
1030 TRANSACTION-INCOMPLETE Transaction incomplete
1031 AUTO-REFUNDED Transaction auto refunded
1032 REFUNDED Transaction refunded
1033 SINGLE-TRANSACTION-LOWER-LIMIT-CROSS The amount provided is less than transaction lower limit
1034 SINGLE-TRANSACTION-UPPER-LIMIT-CROSS The amount provided is more than transaction upper limit
1035 TRANSACTION-DAILY-LIMIT-CROSS The daily transaction limit is exceeded for the merchant
1036 TRANSACTION-MONTHLY-LIMIT-CROSS The monthly transaction limit is exceeded for the merchant
1037 DAILY-TRANSACTION-NUMBER-CROSS The daily transaction number is exceeded for the merchant
1038 MONTHLY-TRANSACTION-NUMBER-CROSS The monthly transaction number is exceeded for the merchant
1039 INVALID-REFUND-AMOUNT The refund amount is greater than transaction amount
1040 INVALID-CVV Invalid Card Verification Code
1041 AUTO-REFUNDED-TNP Transaction is auto refunded by TnP
1042 FAILED-NO-RESPONSE Transaction failed as there was no response from bank
1043 TRANSACTION-CANCELLED Transaction cancelled
1044 UNAUTHORIZED Unauthorized
1045 FORBIDDEN Forbidden Access
1046 TRANSACTION-ALREADY-CAPTURED Transaction already captured
1047 AUTHORIZED Transaction authorized
1048 CAPTURED Transaction captured
1049 VOIDED Transaction voided
1050 NO-RECORD-FOUND No data record found for the given input
1051 ACQUIRER-ERROR Error occurred at the bank end
1052 INVALID-EMAIL Invalid Email ID
1053 INVALID-PHONE Invalid phone number
9999 UNKNOWN-ERROR Unknown error occurred
997 - These are unhandled errors coming from banks directly.

Webview Sample Code

Once the payment is initiated, collect the payment fields, calculate the hash from your server and form the url post parameters. Sample code given below:

    StringBuffer requestParams=new StringBuffer("api_key="+URLDecoder.decode(SampleAppConstants.PG_API_KEY, "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&amount="+URLDecoder.decode("2.00", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&email="+URLDecoder.decode("", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&name="+URLDecoder.decode("Test Name", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&phone="+URLDecoder.decode("9876543210", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&order_id="+URLDecoder.decode("12", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&currency="+URLDecoder.decode(SampleAppConstants.PG_CURRENCY, "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&description="+URLDecoder.decode("test", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&city="+URLDecoder.decode("city", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&state="+URLDecoder.decode("state", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&address_line_1="+URLDecoder.decode("addl1", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&address_line_2="+URLDecoder.decode("addl2", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&zip_code="+URLDecoder.decode("123456", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&country="+URLDecoder.decode(SampleAppConstants.PG_COUNTRY, "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&return_url="+URLDecoder.decode(SampleAppConstants.PG_RETURN_URL, "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&mode="+URLDecoder.decode(SampleAppConstants.PG_MODE, "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&udf1="+URLDecoder.decode("udf1", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&udf2="+URLDecoder.decode("udf2", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&udf3="+URLDecoder.decode("udf3", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&udf4="+URLDecoder.decode("udf4", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&udf5="+URLDecoder.decode("udf5", "UTF-8"));
    requestParams.append("&hash="+URLDecoder.decode("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "UTF-8"));  

Request parameters List(mandatory and non mandatory fields) that needs to be posted to Payment Gateway Server during payment initiation:

api_key Payment Gateway would assign a unique 40-digit merchant key to you. This key is exclusive to your business/login account.If you have multiple login accounts, there will necessarily be one different api_key per login account that is assigned to you. Mandatory String - Max:40.
order_id This is your (merchant) reference number. It must be unique for every transaction. We do perform a validation at our end and do not allow duplicate order_ids for the same merchant. Mandatory String - Max:30.
mode This is the payment mode ("TEST" or "LIVE" are valid values). "LIVE" is the default value when not specified. Optional String - Max:4.
amount This is the payment amount. Mandatory Decimal - Max Digits Before Decimal:15, Max Digits after Decimal:2.
currency This is the 3-digit currency code (INR). Mandatory String - Max:3.
description Brief description of product or service that the customer is being charged for. Mandatory String - Max:200.
name Name of customer. Mandatory String - Max:200.
email Customer email address. Mandatory String - Max:200.
phone Customer phone number. Mandatory String - Max:30.
address_line_1 Customer's address line 1. Optional String - Max:255.
address_line_2 Customer's address line 2. Optional String - Max:255.
city Customer City. Mandatory String - Max:50.
state Customer State. Optional String - Max:50.
country Customer Country. Mandatory String - Max:50.
zip_code Customer Zipcode. Mandatory String - Max:10.
timeout_duration Timeout duration (in seconds). Optional Integer - Min:0,Max:1000.
udf1 User defined field 1. Optional String - Max:300.
udf2 User defined field 2. Optional String - Max:300.
udf3 User defined field 3. Optional String - Max:300.
udf4 User defined field 4. Optional String - Max:300.
udf5 User defined field 5. Optional String - Max:300.
return_url Your return URL where Payment Gateway will send all the payment response parameters after a transaction. Mandatory String - Max:200.
return_url_failure Payment Gateway will send all failed transaction response parameters to this URL if specified, else, it will send the failed response to the "return_url" parameter Optional String - Max:200.
return_url_cancel Payment Gateway will send all cancelled transaction response parameters to this URL if specified, else, it will send the cancelled response to the "return_url" parameter. Optional String - Max:200.
percent_tdr_by_user Percent of tdr amount paid by user. Optional Integer - Min:0,Max:100.
flatfee_tdr_by_user Fixed fee paid by user. Optional Integer - Min:0,Max:99999999.
show_convenience_fee Controls whether the convenience fee amount (for surcharge merchants) is displayed to the customer (on the payment page) or not. Optional String - Max:1.
split_enforce_strict Controls whether payment is required to be split before settlement. By default it is set to ‘n’, If this is set to ‘y’ then settlement will be on HOLD until splitsettlement api is called to provide split information. Optional String - Max:1.
payment_options payment options to be displayed such credit card(cc), netbanking(nb), wallet(w) and atm card(atm).Tabs will be displayed by order in which values are sent. Values accepted are: cc,nb,w,atm (comma separated string). Optional String - Max:20.
payment_page_display_text This text will be displayed below the logo on payment page. Optional String - Max:200.
hash Checksum to ensure data integrity during server to server calls. Mandatory String - Max:200.

Post the parameters to the Payment Gateway Payment URL and intercept your response API with a javascript to receive the response parameters. Finally parse the json response string to get the values of individual fields.

webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
    public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {

            view.loadUrl("javascript:HtmlViewer.showHTML" +


    public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap facIcon) {


WebSettings webSettings = webview.getSettings();
webview.addJavascriptInterface(new MyJavaScriptInterface(), "HtmlViewer");

class MyJavaScriptInterface {
    public void showHTML(String html) {		
                JSONObject response = new JSONObject(Html.fromHtml(html).toString());
                Iterator<String> payuHashIterator = response.keys();
                while (payuHashIterator.hasNext()) {
                    String key =;

       }catch (JSONException e){